Stories by Austin
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Future Release

The Jesus Paradox
Christmas 2022
Have you ever wondered why the Bible has so many plot holes around Jesus? Where was he for eighteen years? Why is he not married as was expected in his society? How did he survive the crucifixion and rise from the dead three days later? These questions and many others are answered and explained in this epic tale of time travel, religion, adventure, and the consequences of assuming you speak for God. Religion will never quite be the same again.
Deep under the Vatican City, a lost device shows a devastating future for the Church. This sets off a chain of events that will bring about the second coming of the Messiah—changing the face of Christendom forever.
The Bible is missing eighteen years of the life of Jesus. Why? The answer. Jesus had been brought to the present by a messenger from the Vatican using their secret time destabilising device.
A young priest, Gabriel, is tasked with intercepting the young Jesus and bringing him to the Vatican to learn about the future history of religion and bring about the second coming of Jesus before the end of the Church and its power. Gabriel and Jesus use the device to witness the historical events contributing to the Catholic Church's creation. These missions often turn into adventures in time, which mould the Young Jesus and his siblings into the version of the Messiah we know today. Contrary to popular belief in the Vatican, Jesus may not be the saviour they expect or want.